Hey stranger!

Canal Biz is still in private Beta.

Join the happy few and receive your early access shortly.


Save up to 30% on annual plans


The total package to propel your freelance business to new heights! 🚀



Features included:

Profile - Photo /Bio / Summary

Capture Email/ Phone number

Social Icons

Contact Form (fully customized)

Calendly integration

Sell Digital products

.pdf, mp4, mp3, course...

Dashboard Analytics

Data exports

Advanced customization options



/ month

All Essential Features, plus:

Connect a domain

for example, https://yourname.com

Payment : No transaction Fee ✨


The total package to propel your freelance business to new heights! 🚀



Features included:

Profile - Photo /Bio / Summary

Capture Email/ Phone number

Social Icons

Contact Form (fully customized)

Calendly integration

Sell Digital products

.pdf, mp4, mp3, course...

Dashboard Analytics

Data exports

Advanced customization options



/ month

All Essential Features, plus:

Connect a domain

for example, https://yourname.com

Payment : No transaction Fee ✨


Frequently asked questions

Which plan is best for me?
  • Looking to have a personalized domain like yourname.com? You’ll want the Pro plan. It allows you to add a custom domain or map a domain you already own to your Freelancer page.
  • Not ready to make your business or personal brand official? Start out with the free canalbiz page. You’ll get a simple page and free, like canalbiz.com/yourname. That link will always be yours and you can upgrade later when you’re ready.
Is there a minimum commitment period?
  • You decide the billing mode*. Monthly without commitment or with a minimum commitment of 12 months. At the end of each period, you will be automatically renewed for an equivalent new period unless you decide to terminate your subscription before the renewal.
  • *Does not apply to the Free plan
What payment methods are accepted?
  • You can easily and securely pay by credit card (Mastercard and Visa). All card payments are processed through our partner Stripe, which is recognized as the most secure platform in the market."
How do I access my invoices?
  • To access your invoices, go to your account and then to the “General” section. On this page, click on “Payments and Billing” and then “Billing History”
Do you have customer support?
  • Yes. On average, we answer in less than 5 minutes via chat, from 8:30 am to 7:00 pm, Monday to Friday.

More questions?

Contact us here so we can help you

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On t'envoie ton accès gratuit le + vite possible.

Hey stranger!

Canal Biz is still in private Beta.

Join the happy few and receive your early access shortly.

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30% de réduction

Valable sur tous les forfaits

Offre Ă  saisir avant le 30 septembre 2023